View Full Version : Advance Online User Colours Per Style
06-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Advance Online User colors Per Style
Author: assassingod
Description: This cool hack will let you choose online colors for usergroups per style. This is much more advance than the previous version and lets you add much more dynamic tags to your users online.
Original Hack: afterburner - Also, I asked and I am allowed to use his code.
To do: WOL and forumdisplay
Addons: (Add your own usergroup!)
Editing Style 1 (
Style 1 (
Tested on vB version:
If you use this hack please click the INSTALL ( button - thank you!
Update: 27/6/2003 Added color legend, re-download and do step 4.
06-07-2003, 10:30 AM
Editing Style 1
06-07-2003, 10:31 AM
Style 1
Chris M
06-07-2003, 10:37 AM
Dean C
06-07-2003, 11:40 AM
You could have released this as an update to your previous thread? :(
06-07-2003, 11:49 AM
This is a slightly different hack though. The other version requires little less hassle than this one. This one allows you to add any tags you wish, the other only allows you to change colour for a font tag.
Yay you finally did it, was easy wasn't it? I gave you the idea though remember :p
06-07-2003, 05:10 PM
Yes, it was incredibly easy:p
Doing WOL and forumdisplay later tonight.
06-07-2003, 05:23 PM
Hehe, I was thinking to a such hack during the afternoon, It's now released :)
Good job assassingod ;)
06-07-2003, 05:30 PM
Thanks Bastien:D:)
So we can expect to see a mega-release of this hack in the near future with all member name places all together eh?
Memberlist, profile, postbit, small who's online forumhome list, last poster on forumhome and forumdisplay, forumdisplay thread starter, forumdisplay WOL, online.php, search results, calendar, userCP, just some places where there are usernames ;).
06-07-2003, 05:35 PM
Yes, yes you will.
Its not exactly hard:p;)
Dean C
06-07-2003, 06:23 PM
Today at 01:49 PM assassingod said this in Post #6 (
This is a slightly different hack though. The other version requires little less hassle than this one. This one allows you to add any tags you wish, the other only allows you to change colour for a font tag.
Its still basically the same idea....
06-07-2003, 06:25 PM
Well, I can't disagree, but I felt this was needed as a seperate hack as per the reasons I mentioned earlier.
06-08-2003, 04:03 AM
i take it this can only be used for the default usergroups and not new ones?
06-08-2003, 06:06 AM
That's correct.
06-11-2003, 06:37 PM
Is there any way of changing it to allow other usergroups - or altering the ones there that arent in the $highlightadmin groups
06-11-2003, 06:47 PM
You mean this hack working for other usergroups? It's easy really. Want any help just ask
06-13-2003, 02:04 PM
Im sorry but i dont get this bit
Step 3 (Most important step):
==This hack will not work if you dont do the following:
#1. Add an replacement named {admino} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
2. Add an replacement named {adminc} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
3. Add an replacement named {smodo} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
4. Add an replacement named {smodc} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
5. Add an replacement named {modo} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
6. Add an replacement named {modc} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
7. Add an replacement named {rego} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
8. Add an replacement named {regc} but leave 'Code to insert' blank
Could you explain what i have to do for this bit =/
EDIT i think i have found that i have to edit the styles, trying this now, then i have to find out how to change the formatting in the admin panel
06-13-2003, 02:19 PM
To add replacements;
Admin CP -> Replacments -> Add
Check the screenshot if you still aren't sure.
06-13-2003, 02:40 PM
06-13-2003, 04:04 PM
Okay, how would i add another group that i have made?
surely it aint as simple as adding
makestyleeditor("goldo","Golden Color Opening Tag");
makestyleeditor("goldc","Golden Color Closing Tag");
} else if (($mod["$userid"]) and $highlightadmin) {
$username = "{modo}$loggedin[username]{goldo}"; // Color for Mod
and one for goldc
Or is it?
06-13-2003, 05:41 PM
I would like to add a group which hasn't got admin rights - how would i go about doin that?
06-13-2003, 06:13 PM
In a little while, i'll make tutorial on how to add custom usergroup for this hack:)
06-13-2003, 07:35 PM
Today at 08:13 PM assassingod said this in Post #24 (
In a little while, i'll make tutorial on how to add custom usergroup for this hack:)
06-25-2003, 07:59 AM
Hey! I've installed this, but now i cant find where to do all that stuff in my CP.
Can someone show me?
thanks for ya time.
06-25-2003, 01:56 PM
06-13-03 at 04:19 PM assassingod said this in Post #20 (
To add replacements;
Admin CP -> Replacments -> Add
Check the screenshot if you still aren't sure.
Read the txt file, and add the part at the bottom in the place shown in the comment.
06-25-2003, 05:07 PM
Today at 09:59 AM M4g!k said this in Post #26 (
Hey! I've installed this, but now i cant find where to do all that stuff in my CP.
Can someone show me?
thanks for ya time.
Its under 'Styles', when you edit one:)
06-25-2003, 05:09 PM
Today at 03:56 PM impossible said this in Post #27 (
Read the txt file, and add the part at the bottom in the place shown in the comment.
What do you mean?
Sam FT
06-26-2003, 03:59 AM
I installed and reinstalled this hack and everytime I get this error when I go to edit the colors and tags.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: makestyleeditor() in ...forums/admin/style.php on line 128
And this is the line it is calling about:
makestyleeditor("admino","Adminstrator Color Opening Tag");
I have all the php files edited right and I have added everyone of the replacement need. Running vb 2.3.0. Any ideas anybody?
06-26-2003, 01:53 PM
That code shouldnt be on line 128, 678 is correct.
Are you sure you are installing this correctly?
Sam FT
06-26-2003, 04:54 PM
Today at 09:53 AM assassingod said this in Post #31 (
That code shouldnt be on line 128, 678 is correct.
Are you sure you are installing this correctly?
I went back and open up the clean original non hacked style.php just to make sure. And what I found was that the line:
doformfooter("Save Changes");
appears twice in the file. One on line 123 and the other on line 681. So I went back and edited the style.php file and move the code on the line 681 and now it works. Just a suggestion, you made want to say something about the line appearing twice in the instructions because most stupid people like me won't have known...:).
06-26-2003, 05:41 PM
Thanks for that, I wasnt aware that there was 2 doformfooters, thanks:)
Sam FT
06-26-2003, 06:19 PM
Hey, I have also noticed that when I used the color tags..the color doesn't show up on WOL but does on the forum home. Is it supposed to be that way?
06-26-2003, 06:58 PM
I havent gotten around to writing the code for WOL and forumdisplay, but I can release it tomorrow:)
Sam FT
06-26-2003, 07:07 PM
Today at 02:58 PM assassingod said this in Post #35 (
I havent gotten around to writing the code for WOL and forumdisplay, but I can release it tomorrow:)
Oh that greats...I was just wondering if I did or didn't something.
06-27-2003, 07:47 PM
Added: Colour legend (check screenshot 2) added, re-download and do step 4.
To-do - WOL, forumdisplay and add your own usergroup.
Sam FT
06-28-2003, 09:34 PM
Keeps getting better and better....
Sam FT
06-28-2003, 09:43 PM
Hey assassingod I don't have
$activeusers<br> in my forumhome_loggedinusers template. Here is what mine is, it is the default template so I know it is good.
<tr id="cat">
<td bgcolor="#336D95" background="" colspan="6"><a href="online.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Currently Active Users</b></normalfont></a><normalfont color="#000000"><b>: $totalonline</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>
<nobr>There are currently $numberregistered members and $numberguest guests on the boards.</nobr> |
<nobr>Most users ever online was $recordusers on $recorddate at $recordtime.</nobr><br>
I am running version 2.30 if that helps.
06-28-2003, 09:56 PM
My fault, will sort in a minute
06-29-2003, 07:58 AM
Sam FT
06-29-2003, 06:36 PM
Hey assassingod I don't if this a problem from the Usergroup Colours per Style hack made by afterburn in your hack. But I have noticed when you a change a registered member and then decided to change them back. So I delete the tags and then the opening and close tags will appear around the members name... for example
{rego}Music Pirate{regc}
And even if you try to edit or change it to something else it doesn't change at all. Just stays the same with the open and close tags around it.
06-29-2003, 06:43 PM
I am not totally sure what you mean.
Would you mind explaining that again?:)
Sam FT
06-29-2003, 06:48 PM
Ok, say you go and add a color open/close tag to the Registered Members. For example yellow, so you add < font="yellow"> for the open tag and </font> for the close. So now you have the Registered members as yellow, then you decided that you don't want the color yellow at all and want the Registered to back to the way it was. So you delete the yellow color open/close tags, but when you do instead the Registered members names going back to the way it was. The open/close tag appear before and after the member's username for example...
{rego}Music Pirate{regc}
So now the tags appear around the username and you can't get rid of matter if you try to add another open/close tag.
06-29-2003, 06:51 PM
Ah right, I see what you mean.
If I remember correctly, I already knew about this when I made the hack. But foolishly I did nothing about it, the best thing to do is add something like:
Untested but should work.
Sam FT
06-29-2003, 06:56 PM
I tried editing the open/close tags after I had deleted what I had in the blocks. I put a Bold tags, another color tags and even Italic tags, but it didn't do any good. Once you change the Registered members just don't deleted the tags. And I havn't tried it with the admins or mods tags..but the same thing may happen with them.
06-29-2003, 07:00 PM
Hmm, let my try. Back in a sec.
Edit: I think i've found the problem. When you remove tags, it deletes the replacement. To fix, simply re-add the replacement deleted.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will add this to the install file.
Sam FT
06-29-2003, 07:06 PM
No problem, I am wanting to see this hack be as good as possible. Because I think it will help add some flavor to my website plus easier for a member to spot an admin or mod.
06-29-2003, 07:10 PM
Still to do:
Add your own usergroup
Sam FT
06-29-2003, 07:15 PM
Also just noticed one other thing..I see on first part of step four when you are looking for this to replace "br>
I don't know if you where wanting the person to replace the < br> tag or not...but it is better just to replace "$activeusers</smallfont></td>" instead.
06-29-2003, 07:20 PM
Hehe, so many mistakes by me.
Re-check the install file.
07-14-2003, 01:15 PM
I want WOL colours :)
07-14-2003, 01:35 PM
Your wish is my command;)
07-14-2003, 01:50 PM
Well I can't say that I can integrate it in your hack yet, but it seemed so easy that I tried to do another hack :P @ online.php
line 628 / online.php
while ($user = $DB_site->fetch_array($allusers)) {
if ($user['userid']) { // Reg'd Member
$key = $user['userid'];
if (($userinfo["$key"]['lastactivity'] < $user['lastactivity']) or !$userinfo["$key"]['lastactivity']) {
$userinfo["$key"]['realname'] = $user['username'];
if ($user['usergroupid'] == 6 and $highlightadmin) {
$userinfo["$key"]['username'] = "<strong style=\"color:#cc0000;\">$user[username]</strong>";
} else if ($user['usergroupid'] == 7 and $highlightadmin) {
$userinfo["$key"]['username'] = "<strong style=\"color:#009900;\">$user[username]</strong>";
} else if ($user['usergroupid'] == 5 and $highlightadmin) {
$userinfo["$key"]['username'] = "<strong style=\"color:#662211;\">$user[username]</strong>";
} else {
$userinfo["$key"]['username'] = $user[username];
It seems to work fine - and i added the option to highlight differently my super moderators. I hope you can integrate it easily with your hack for at least mods, super-mods and admins :P
Thanks for a great hack btw.
07-28-2003, 10:37 PM
Mine's messed up on the user groups beneath the names (and the names) are like this:
07-28-2003, 10:50 PM
Not sure why that's happening, only guess is you haven't addded anything for that particular usergroup.
Also, i'd like to apologize for delays in promises I made, alas I will get them done soon.
08-21-2003, 02:53 PM
Hi, did you think about the explanation to add an other usergroup please ?
thanks a lot
08-22-2003, 07:40 AM
I have a problem.
Tags don't work
See the firts screen for the config and the second for the appear problem.
08-22-2003, 07:42 AM
And the second
Thanks for the help
08-22-2003, 10:34 AM
No, it's good ;)
08-22-2003, 04:21 PM
Sorted? If not, edit the replacements, if you acccidently delete the code, then it deletes the replacements
08-25-2003, 02:53 AM
Erm. This sucks. Not the hack, of course, but the fact that (this being the first hack I've installed in about a year) I did everything perfectly, but when I got to the final step, I noticed that my forumdisplay_loggedinusers contains ONLY the following:
All right. Halfway through posting this, I realized that I was looking at "forumDISPLAY" not "forumHOME". Haha, I guess we newbie webmasters have got to make a mistake here and there. Just thought I'd post this for humor's sake at my blatant idiocy. :D
08-25-2003, 05:15 AM
lol, ok - glad its sorted out.
(That reminds me I need to do this hack for forumdisplay)
Gio Takahashi
10-02-2003, 02:13 AM
are you still working on the hack for forumdisplay and custom user group? -_-;
Gio Takahashi
10-21-2003, 10:01 PM
Are you STILL working on that hack?
Gio Takahashi
10-30-2003, 08:28 PM
I worked on it and I've done it! Weee! At least the other usergroup thinger...yeah.
I will check with assassingod before I post them :p
Edit 2.
Dur >.> I'll do it on a txt instead of here.
10-30-2003, 08:30 PM
I worked on it and I've done it! Weee! At least the other usergroup thinger...yeah.
Congratulations. Sorry I didn't get round to finishing this hack. :)
Gio Takahashi
10-30-2003, 09:10 PM
Here ya go, tis my first addon instruction I hope you find it easy to understand ^_^;;;
To see how I did...go to (
I will try to work with the forum display as well in the future.
12-30-2003, 01:41 PM
Hi assassingod,
great hack, but what must i do if i want to have this colors in my Threads to?
Gary King
01-22-2004, 01:26 AM
I'm having problems with this hack, it works for one style but not another. Only {admino} gets formatted properly in the WOL on index.php, but that's it. Any ideas?
01-22-2004, 04:34 AM
Hi assassingod,
great hack, but what must i do if i want to have this colors in my Threads to?
Gary King
01-22-2004, 11:15 AM
Well if wanted you could upgrade to vB 3 where it's built-in :p
02-15-2004, 03:46 PM
How do i do this #Upload admin/style.php & root/index.php and you're done there are no phps in it
02-15-2004, 03:52 PM
It means upload the recently modified files.
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