View Full Version : Topic Bar

12-08-2000, 09:14 PM
I am in the middle of changing from UBB to vBulletin, yes mySQL is much faster when used in a board. Anyway
i have this bar on my UBB at the top it has images from closer topic, move topic, etc and the print and email options.


and one at the bottom as well.

Could someone suggest a possible way to make this a simple PHP hack, I know Perl just PHP is new to me.

12-08-2000, 09:42 PM
There is no hacking involved. You just need to change the HTML in your templates to customize the layout of every page. Don't eliminate any $variables, though.


12-08-2000, 09:49 PM
I don't know how to work the templates. There too confusin with these variables, and i couldn't get my usual ones i can use in Perl to work.

12-08-2000, 09:57 PM
you can however, if you're only referring to the banners, just use the 'header' and 'footer' text boxes under 'forum styles'.. to add banners above, and under your forum.. but in the 'footer' text box, leave the copyright notice intact!

12-08-2000, 10:07 PM
Nope not the banners, a little table above the start of the topic with Admin Options on it.

12-09-2000, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by PPN
Nope not the banners, a little table above the start of the topic with Admin Options on it.

If you notice the admin options are at the bottom of each thread and forum. You can look at the ForumDisplay and ShowThread templates to get what I mean. There is no programming involved and it is simple HTML

12-09-2000, 06:00 AM
and all the variables in the templates are pretty self-explainatory.