View Full Version : Thread Torrent

06-03-2003, 10:00 PM

After discussion with the Serence development team and several members of this community including cloudrunner would wrote KlipFolio Integration (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53767&highlight=klip), I have decided to release Thread Torrent for Serence KlipFolio (http://www.serence.com/site.php?action=ser_products,prod_klipfolio) and vBulletin, moreover This hack was essentially requested by Koutaru here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=403655#post403655) to provide a way to display newest threads. KlipFolio is a desktop application that allows you to easily view and manage live, automated and customizable channels to unique information sources called Klips. A Klip is a live, automated and customizable channel to a unique information source that runs in KlipFolio. For more information you can reference the KlipScript Guide (http://www.serence.com/provider.php?page=kscript_overview_home) for documentation (Also see Klip Tags (http://www.serence.com/provider.php?page=guides_tags)). The basics are essentially self explanatory; let me know if you have any more questions concerning this topic.


Installation Information
Files to edit: (2) vbTT.php, vbTT.klip
Files to upload: (2) vbTT.php, vbTT.klip
Queries to Run: (0) nada
Templates to edit: (1) nada
Templates to add: (0) nada
Time to install: approx 3 minutes

06-04-2003, 12:29 AM
Well the 10 people (thus far) who have downloaded this must understand what it is, but I guess I'm a little slow today.

How does this differ from the recent hack by cloudrunner?

06-04-2003, 01:19 AM
Cloudrunners is new posts in a specific form (specifically for your news or announcements forum) whereas this hack is for new threads in general (am i right?) :p

* Koutaru clicks install

06-04-2003, 02:14 AM
That about sums it up. His takes your most recent threads from the entire forum and feeds it to your klipfarm. It includes thread starter username, how many replies, and when the last reply was (from a quick glance look see at the code, I didn't delve too deep.).

I'm assuming that since the output is in RDF format, one could easily integrate this as a backend syndication system as well, but that's all for another day ;)

06-04-2003, 02:46 AM
Affirmative. Every forum, every thread.

Even private forums if you are logged in with proper permissions ;)

06-04-2003, 02:48 AM
A couple of things to bare in mind when using any kind of forum backend feeds including this one.

You'll need to add a custom description to the online.php if you want to avoid getting an "unknown Location" when someone clicks a thread link via the klip.
And also,if a member stays logged into the forums,i.e their session hasn't expired,and then clicks a link via the klip,they will appear twice on the WOL,(as their username,and further down the list as a guest).You can check this by logging into your forums,and then open klipfolio and click one of the thread links.Look at the IP's column and you'll be listed with the same IP as "username" and "guest".Which means your forums currently active users count will be wrong.

Just thought i'd make users aware of that. ;)

06-04-2003, 03:10 AM
I'm afraid I have yet to personally experience the first problem you mentioned, nor have any of my members or clients in over a one year time span, so I'm afraid I'll have to take your word for it. I've been working closely with the Serence development team so I'll mention it to them in the coming weeks. The second problem or nuisance rather you spoke of is actually quite simple to exclude from Who's Online which typically displays as: Guest Unknown Location: /vbTT.php -- so a simple comparison operator will do ;)

Method no.1

Open online.php and find
". iif(!$WOLguests, " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
ORDER BY user.username");
Then replace with the following
". iif(!$WOLguests, " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
AND session.location NOT LIKE '%/vbTT.php%' ORDER BY user.username");

06-04-2003, 03:29 AM
Hey i didn't say it was a problem,i was merely pointing out some of my observations when using forum klips in the past and thought i'd make other members aware of them.

It's a nice hack Kriek,let us know how you get on with your further discussions with the Serence Devs. ;)

06-04-2003, 01:58 PM
Reverend, Sure thing, but most of the development is obviously surrounding Klipfolio itself and its features concerning Klips, but I have to admit that with each modification there seems to be another open window available for vBulletin as well as other software.

06-04-2003, 09:59 PM
thanks, it's very cool. My members will love it. I'm racking my brain tring to think about how else I can use this. Only thing I've come up with would be pms and then setting klip to alert when ever there a new item.

06-05-2003, 03:49 AM
Very Nice.

06-05-2003, 06:24 PM
any chance of picking up some screens from your desktop?
I wanna see how you have customized your klips with your

06-05-2003, 06:24 PM
any chance of picking up some screens from your desktop?
I wanna see how you have customized your klips with your site.
yes I do have klips installed, but not for my forums

06-05-2003, 08:48 PM
the setting "$showthreadnumber" is that the number of threads to show or the actual thread number - ie like this http:\\www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53808

06-05-2003, 09:14 PM
The integer of threads you desire to display from your forum via Klipfolio at any given time, however due to the Klipfolio refresh rate your Klip should pull and display that same number of threads each time. Meaning the first load will pull and display ten threads, although after the Klip refreshes it will endeavor to pull another ten threads, granted that there in fact ten active threads that have been posted to.

06-07-2003, 07:59 AM
for me don't work... :(

06-07-2003, 10:21 AM
Kevorkian, in order to try and determine your problem and its solution. The more information I have about your vBulletin version, error output, and the exact specific nature of the problem you're having, the more likely I will be able to help you.

06-07-2003, 02:51 PM
ok i have tried on blank board correctly configured with vbulletin 2.3.0 i have made two test with thread torret and one with klipfolio integration, the first don't work but the second yes, the php output of the file was ok but when i try to see in action klip torrent on klip folio don't work and i receive generic block with anything and without any data

06-07-2003, 04:12 PM
Kevorkian, PM or email me the contents of your .klip file please.

06-07-2003, 05:00 PM
ok sent ;)

06-08-2003, 03:06 PM
works fine for me - thnx


06-08-2003, 04:49 PM
only for me don't work ;___________;

06-08-2003, 06:13 PM
Heh, when I saw this I thought it had something to do with Bit Torrent. Oh well, useful hack, regardless.

06-08-2003, 07:35 PM
it's possible that the problem caused by iss 5 configuration?

06-08-2003, 10:37 PM
Kevorkian, anything is possible, but I am confident this problem has nothing to do with vBulletin or Thread Torrent. Perhaps someone here will be able to help you more than I can :ermm:

06-10-2003, 10:35 AM
I have edited online.php code with the suggested code but I still see a guest?, any idea what might cause this.

Great hack BTW :)

06-10-2003, 12:22 PM
Thank you Alesis, I appreciate your positive annotations. If you renamed vbTT.php subsequently you will need to amend that in the NOT LIKE comparison operator string. Is is displaying Guest Unknown Location in online.php?

06-10-2003, 06:46 PM
Kriek, I have not renamed vbTT.php or the klip file, they are using the default names as they came in the rar file, I just changed the config file to suit my installation.

I then edited the code as you mentioned in the online.php file and uploaded but i still see a "Guest" logged in even though I am only one on my forum..my forum is in testing so I *know* there is no guests and I am only person logged in.

Once again the "NOT LIKE comparison operator string" is the same as you posted because I did *not* change the name of the klip file or the vbTT.php file...they are default

None the less it is working perfectly other than that and could be very handy to many for use on thier forums

**I have included small .jpg capture showing what I mean by it displaying a "Guest" even though I am only one on the forum, this is happening after editing the online.php file with the operator string and all file names are default

06-10-2003, 10:16 PM
Alesis, you attempted the first method, please try these.
(Also consider trying without the forward slash)

Method no.2
". iif(!$WOLguests, " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
AND session.location NOT REGEXP '/vbTT.php' ORDER BY user.username");
Method no.3
". iif(!$WOLguests, " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
AND session.location NOT RLIKE '%/vbTT.php%' ORDER BY user.username");
Method no.4
". iif(!$WOLguests, " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
AND session.location != '%/vbTT.php%' ORDER BY user.username");

06-10-2003, 10:56 PM
Kriek, just so you are aware I have tested all 3 of these also just now and also tested each one without the "forward slash" and each time I logged out and logged back in and still see a *guest*

**Note however I did these all one after another editing the code in online.php and then logging out and logging back in, *possibly* the guest was still showing because of a session ID? I cannot confirm this unless I do the edit and wait in between each one unless of course when I logout each time it logs both myself and the guest* out...I'm not positive how that works.

The reason i mention this is because of an earleir comment on the first page of this thread

And also,if a member stays logged into the forums,i.e their session hasn't expired,and then clicks a link via the klip,they will appear twice on the WOL,(as their username,and further down the list as a guest).You can check this by logging into your forums,and then open klipfolio and click one of the thread links.Look at the IP's column and you'll be listed with the same IP as "username" and "guest".Which means your forums currently active users count will be wrong.

**If worse comes to worse and there is and extra guest that is fine...at least I know what it is but have tried all 4 methods and each does not seem to work

06-13-2003, 05:27 PM
Kriek I am wondering if this is at all possible...our forum is private and used by few close freinds and we love this hack as it provides excellent way to share news *but* we have few concerns about the security and possibilty others might find our klip and view the headlines and see the related links.

What I mean is say if we have the klip farely well hidden down a few directorys such as home/dir1/dir77635/dir5343/vbtt.klip it is unlikely someone could find the klip and even if they did we do not allow registrations but the problem we find is even if you are logged out and all cookies erased etc it is still possible to refresh and see the new post headlines in klipfolio if the location of the klip is known but you cannot access the actual content but still we are concerned about non members even reading out topics to klipfolio

I could possibly be a non registered user and see the topic's and associated links..we would like to avoid this and make it so no matter what the headlines are not able to be viewed or refreshed *unless* you have a username/password to login and are cookied ,I am not sure this is possible and maybe there is a easy fix for this...I appreciate any info you might be able to provide regarding this and am simply looking for a way in the unfortunate event someone discovered out klip they wouldnt be able to even see our headlines.

Thanks again for your time :)

06-15-2003, 07:09 PM
Alesis, just so you know -- your above request is under development ;)

06-15-2003, 07:13 PM
Thank you very much Kriek and might I say again...EXCELLENT hack!!!

06-16-2003, 02:33 AM
Just curious Alesis....

Have you taken into account the refresh rate at which your board flushes it's cookies?

i.e. do you log out, then login in and goto the who's online without waiting for the board to flush the unused sessions?

Just curious like I said.

06-16-2003, 05:56 AM
Cloudrunner, we tried various scenarios just to be sure and that was one of the first things I kinda thought might affect it was the sessions but i am using multiple computers for testing as well as people in other locations so I would delete cookies and as well give enough time for the session to time out...sometimes not trying till the next day and then I would reinstall the stock vbTT.klip and we noticed in many occasions that it was still possible to view the thread topics but not actually access them without using a username/password...not that much of a security risk but we would be even better if the topics could not be seen...as I mentioned this is a small private site and we are just worried that someone could casually view our klips.

**I'm not sure what tthe default session timeout is set at and would prefer not to set it any lower if it might cause problems accessing the rest of the site during a visit

*Don't mind you being curious at all...might give me clues to fix :)

**Will be gone till Saturday and cant reply to this thread till then, thanks again

07-01-2003, 12:07 AM
Hello again, just wondering Kriek if it is possible for a person to stop posts from a specific forumid= or multiple forumid's?

The reason I ask is I would like to add the NNTP gateway news hack but if I do all the posts that get added everytime the script is refreshed these will fill up my max threads in klipfolio, so if I could simply block those from making it to klipfolio things would be sweet ;)

07-01-2003, 01:47 AM
Alesis, make sure you have a updated version, then open vbTT.php and find
$reply = 'Replies';
$description = 'Active Threads';
$showthreadnumber = '10';
Replace with the following
$reply = 'Replies';
$description = 'Active Threads';
$privateforum = '50';
$showthreadnumber = '10';
Edit to your prefrences, then find
$dosql .= 'SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,replycount,postusername,th read.forumid';
$dosql .= ' FROM thread LEFT JOIN forumpermission USING(forumid) WHERE visible=1';
$dosql .= ' AND forumpermission.forumid IS NULL ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT ' . $showthreadnumber;
Replace with the following
$dosql .= 'SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,replycount,postusername,th read.forumid';
$dosql .= ' FROM thread LEFT JOIN forumpermission USING(forumid) WHERE visible=1';
$dosql .= ' AND forumid NOT REGEXP ' . $privateforum;
$dosql .= ' AND forumpermission.forumid IS NULL ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT ' . $showthreadnumber;

07-01-2003, 01:52 AM
Thanks again Kriek, I will try later tonight :)

07-01-2003, 01:58 AM
No problem ;)

Keep in mind there are several methods.

07-01-2003, 04:40 PM
Kriek...after adding that code it *appears* all posts are blocked from reaching klipfolio.

all I have changed is $privateforum = '50'; to $privateforum = '9'; but now test posts from other forums do not show on the klip.

07-01-2003, 11:16 PM
I'm so embarrassed :nervous:

Please change forumid to thread.forumid

07-01-2003, 11:27 PM
Kinda confused, isnt that what I already have?
$dosql .= 'SELECT threadid,title,lastpost,replycount,postusername,th read.forumid';
$dosql .= ' FROM thread LEFT JOIN forumpermission USING(forumid) WHERE visible=1';
$dosql .= ' AND forumid NOT REGEXP ' . $privateforum;
$dosql .= ' AND forumpermission.forumid IS NULL ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT ' . $showthreadnumber;

My first code change looks like this

// Settings
$reply = 'Replies';
$description = 'Active Threads';
$privateforum = '9';
$showthreadnumber = '10';

**No need to be embarassed Kriek ,I'm embarassed having to ask so many questions but *love* this script

07-01-2003, 11:47 PM
Alesis, find this line
$dosql .= ' AND forumid NOT REGEXP ' . $privateforum;
Replace with the following
$dosql .= ' AND thread.forumid NOT REGEXP ' . $privateforum;

07-02-2003, 01:50 AM
Rock and roll Kriek, tested and working 100% with the NNTP News Gateway hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35247

**Thanks again for all your help resolving theses small problems :)

07-02-2003, 02:51 AM
Alesis, glad it works for you ;)

07-02-2003, 07:26 AM
Just wondering Kriek, if a person would like to make multiple forums not show on the klipfolio would he just do something maybe like this?

// Settings
$reply = 'Replies';
$description = 'Active Threads';
$privateforum = '9';
$privateforum = '2';
$privateforum = '6';
$privateforum = '4';
$showthreadnumber = '10';

07-02-2003, 11:36 AM
Alesis, perhaps the most expedient and practicable way.
$privateforum = '9 OR 2 OR 6 OR 4 OR 10';
However if your forumid's run in numerical order with no exceptions (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
$privateforum = '"[0-5]"';

07-03-2003, 01:28 AM
Kriek it appeared I had this working last night with banning more than one forum but when I try with different forum ID's it seems to not work and only a single forumid=x will work

**Here is what I am trying now and it appears to let all the posts through to the klipfolio, I really have no clue what might cause this and thought you might know...all the forumids are located in my main forum and are not in any sub forums etc, these are all the correct forumid's that I wanna block.

Here is my edited code maybe you can spot the problem, thank you


07-03-2003, 02:44 AM
My regular expressions are rusty, however
$privateforum = '"([3]|[16]|[17])"';
Subsequently if that does not work, attempt this
$privateforum = '"((3)|(16)|(17))"';

07-03-2003, 03:30 AM
I havent tried the second one yet Kriek but the first appears to work!! :)

$privateforum = '"([3]|[16]|[17])"';

Thanks again, I tried few times downloading more posts from news servers and this time it didnt fill my klipfolio ;)

07-03-2003, 12:07 PM
Alesis, you?re quite welcome ;)

07-28-2003, 12:04 AM
Kriek I seem to have a small problem after adding more threads to block and it seems while they are blocked it also blocks other forum ID's and I'm not sure why :( ...for instance forum 5 gets blocked with this code...perhaps I have too many?

$privateforum = '"([3]|[24]|[25]|[26]|[27]|[28]|[29]|[30])"'

07-28-2003, 03:22 PM
Alesis, Hopefully a quick fix; diffrent method.

Find this line
$privateforum = '"([3]|[24]|[25]|[26]|[27]|[28]|[29]|[30])"';
Replace with the following
$privateforum = "'3', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30'";
Find this line
$dosql .= ' AND thread.forumid NOT REGEXP ' . $privateforum;
Replace with the following
$dosql .= ' AND thread.forumid NOT IN (' . $privateforum . ')';

07-28-2003, 07:02 PM
Thank you again Kriek, that works perfect :)

**BTW, cool art on your website :)

07-28-2003, 09:46 PM
Again -- Alesis, you?re quite welcome ;)

To answer the question as to why 5 was getting matched (as well as 3,4,6,7,8,9,0) is that the square brackets create a character set. For example [24] creates a set of two characters that will match both 2 and 4 (did I mention my regular expressions are rusty). So the proper syntax should have been
$privateforum = '"^(3|25|26|27|28|29|30|6)$'";
However using regular expressions (as I have come to find out) is much slower than a list of comma separated values on a row that has an index such as this.
$privateforum = "'3', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30'";

07-28-2003, 10:59 PM
I'm learning....slowly :)

07-29-2003, 12:00 AM
Alesis, check your private messages and also note the additional options for Who's Online (display Serence KlipFolio User for location) updated in the installation files (vbtt.rar (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?s=&postid=404099)).

07-29-2003, 12:40 AM
Kriek, I followed your directions in your updated .rar files for "Who's Online"

*I simply added the code below where you specified in online.php in the 2 locations, I then assumed I would check in the user CP under "Who's Online" and would see the reference's to who is online with klipfolio...I'm not sure this is correct but all I see is myself viewing the control panel?

**Note I did not re-upload vbtt.php and vbtt.klip...all i have done is edited the online php file.

**Not sure this make a difference but awhile back I edited a template to change who's online to look like this...LoL :)

Total Online: 4_ |_ Members Online: 1_ |_ News Robots Online: 3_|

*Not sure this would effect the operation of this mod, I had changed this template because klipfolios were showing online when users were not online*

07-29-2003, 03:46 AM
No, absolutely nothing to do with any control panel. This update alters the output of the location field via Who's Online (yourforum.com/forum/online.php), thatÂ’s all. See the attachment.

06-28-2004, 09:46 PM
Hello Kriek, I'm just curious if Thread Torrent is easily modified for use with VB 3.0? I recently installed it and totally forgot it might not work and I'm hoping it would be easy for me too modify and make it all work, thanks.