View Full Version : Quickreply adjustments.... help..

06-01-2003, 03:31 AM
I've done some adjustments to the quickreply and I'd like to ask 2 questions.

1 - How can I center My actual Text area with in the greater table.

2 - How can I place an Image inside that text area?

3 - Could someone also look at my "code" and tell me if I screwed anything up in general, all I did was edit the original template from the hack.

I have attached a photo of the area in question, and I'll attach the code below.


06-01-2003, 03:31 AM
The code.

Tony G
06-01-2003, 10:35 AM
1. Change: (This is just above the textarea bracket)

<tr valign="top">


<tr align="center" valign="top">

I hope that'll do the trick there.

2. http://www.vbulletintemplates.com/mods/showthread.php?threadid=30&highlight=area

3. Quick breeze, looks okay. Just as long as no script errors are appearing when you load it.

06-01-2003, 02:11 PM
1 - Thanks... The "center" changes didn't work...

2. thanks for the link perfect!!

3. ok :)

Thanks for the reply.

06-02-2003, 12:31 AM
Does anyone know, how on this quick post I can add the "smilee" box which comes with the "newreply" page?