View Full Version : allow member to post only in 1 area

05-27-2003, 01:53 AM
i've ran into a problem with a member and i've been looking for a hack to make a "penalty box"...

i looked all over in here for a hack/modification to allow a member to only be able to post in one forum and be able to only read in all the others. the one postable area would be good for them to plea their case to only admins and mods for them to get full board access back. would be a great alternative to banning someone.

if there is such a thing that exists already...i would really appreciate a point in the proper direction.


05-27-2003, 01:55 AM
Just make a usergroup for that user and apply forum permissions appropriately.

05-27-2003, 02:04 AM
ok...im a tard...lol

was looking in all the wrong areas....


05-27-2003, 06:00 AM
When you first run into such user, this is the path you take in the first place: How can I punish him?

Then you apply your punishment and see that sometimes problem became more headache, then you ask: How can I force him stay in the usergroup I put? How can I prevent him reregister an account?

Then in the third stage, you will ask: ok so how can I ban him? How can I stop banned members register new accounts? How can I know if he has multiple accounts?

And the final stage of admin evolution is the stage you ask the ultimate question: Who cares punisment, how can I just get rid of him? :)

If the solution to the first stage you are now in does not help, you are welcomed to ask the other stage questions here too.. ;)