View Full Version : Hack needed that will ask for a password when you enter a part of the forum

05-24-2003, 02:28 PM
Ok this is the deal, what we need is that when you want to enter a specific forum you need to enter a password first.

So people register, they can see certain parts of the forums, to get acces to the other part they need to enter the password, now i know we could just put people in a other usergroup, but this not how we want it, this way friends can just pass out the password to other friends.

Is this kind of hack available?

EDIT: Lol just saw the owner of this account posted too.

Chris M
05-24-2003, 04:56 PM
Use the search;)


05-24-2003, 05:50 PM
Did that, but couldn't find anything that matched with what i was searching for.

05-24-2003, 06:18 PM
this one?


05-24-2003, 08:11 PM
Thanks alot, it works great :)