View Full Version : Req: usertitle hack

12-07-2000, 05:21 PM
I was just wondering..

now, you can set a number of usertitles that all regged users get when they reach a certain number of posts.
isn't there a small hack out there that enables that all users can set their own usertitle in their profile?
that would be much better i think

thank you very much in advance,


12-07-2000, 10:05 PM
Yes I wrote one, now search for 'usertitle' and a post by me and you shall find it.

12-07-2000, 11:41 PM
I had a little trouble adapting that to 1.1.4, but I didn't make a full effort at it. I saw the first line didn't match and said to hell with it because I was waiting on 2.0 where I hope it will be a feature and not a hack.

12-08-2000, 02:56 PM
thnx, i'm sure i can adapt it to 1.1.4 :)

01-05-2001, 04:55 PM
I'm looking for this hack and can't find it. Can anyone point me to it?