View Full Version : [REQUEST 2.2.x] SWEET idea! User selectable combined forums

05-23-2003, 11:06 PM
Ok here's the idea I have. I don't think it would be that hard to make, but I really wouldn't know where to begin.

Say I have a board with very specific forums in it.

- Street Mods
- Accessories
- Performance
- Decoration

I have some members asking to combine all of these forums into one forum:

Car Talk

Well I don't want to do this because I like things more organized, but here's my idea.

Give users the option of viewing (on the main page), the standard forum Cars, with all the subforums listed above, OR, let them just see one forum called "Car Talk" where they will see al threads from all 4 forums in one forum.

When starting a new thread, they would be asked to pick from manditory radio buttons (much like post icons) one of the following options:

Street Mods, Accessories, Performance, Decoration (and whatever other forums are included in the "pool."

Then depending on which one was selected, their new thread would be displayed in that forum for all members who chose to stay with the standard way.

There is a lot of room for sweet ideas with this idea too. I'm sure someone will think of something cool that I missed, but I really do think a lot of people would like this.

Anyone want to make it?? :)


05-24-2003, 06:55 PM
This would be sweet...

Chris M
05-24-2003, 09:24 PM

I'm not going to do it because I have other projects on my mind right now, but I can suggest to you on how to get started;):)

If you want to try and do this with a little bit of help from me, feel free to PM me - If you can wait until tuesday, I am sure I could start coding it;)


05-24-2003, 10:43 PM
Hmm, well I've been looking into it and I don't think it would be that difficult, but I have never made a big hack before (and I think this would be of decent size) so I'm not quite sure where to start. If you want to attempt it be my guest :)

I will PM if I can get anything started. Thanks :)

05-26-2003, 01:57 PM
I tried making it similar to the &action=getdaily search feature, where it would pull all posts from X dates depending on what the user has chosen, from whichever forums the user picked and that's where I messed up bad. Had to restore from backup :(

If you don't think this will be very hard I would appreciate it if you went ahead and tried it out. Like you said, if you're busy I can wait. :) How long do you think it should take?

05-27-2003, 09:31 PM
Ok that didn't work at all. If you get time I'll be waiting to see if you can do this before I try again. :)
