View Full Version : Profile Fields

05-22-2003, 10:50 PM
I'm not thinking that this is an overly difficult hack, but I don't have the time right now to learn how to do it.

Anyway what I'm hoping someone can help me create is a simple way to create custom profile fields that can be used in a modified getinfo template, with their input fields being able to be used in a modified modifyprofile template.

I know that vbulletin comes with a way to create custom fields, but they don't allow the getinfo template to be modified the way I want.

Essentially I'm looking for a way to include a bunch of custom profile fields like the ones for AIM and Yahoo, which can be placed anywhere in the getinfo template rather then the ones which aren't tied to the $customfields code which dictates where the custom fields created by vBulletin itself must go.

So can anyone help out?

05-22-2003, 11:15 PM
Why don't vB's work? Can't you just use $userinfo[fieldn] in the template?

05-22-2003, 11:32 PM
Well when I started trying to create the modifications I assumed that they could be used. I included them into my template modifications both on the getinfo and modifyprofile templates, however when I tested it the info never stuck in the profile, nor did it display on the getinfo template.

Maybe I used the wrong code or something.

In the $bbuserinfo[field#] and in the getinfo I used $userinfo[field#] and it didn't work. I also used the $post[field#] but that didn't seem to work either.

05-22-2003, 11:49 PM
Okay I now understand what you meant.

Using $userinfo[field#] works great in the getinfo template, and I'm kicking myself pretty hard for not trying that before. But it only works when I have the modifyprofile template set to original and I'd still like to be able to modify the modifyprofile template so that it seperates the input fields into the categories in which they are displayed in the user's profile.

Is there a simple way to do that that I completely overlooked?