View Full Version : fight club hack request

05-19-2003, 05:31 AM
I would like a hack designed that can have people 'fight'. By fighting they GAIN specific 'points', 'wins' and 'losses' and 'rating'.
so two users who fight each other by posts, threads created/viewed, replies created, how long they've been registered, replied in certain "forumid's" (each or more options can be made in admin CP and 'points' for each option can be awarded to make your more "powerful).
All wins and losses are recorded. There should be some sort of way that the more a user has XX of, the more powerful he is combined with the more wins/losses from 'points'.
Each user can only fight once a day and fight only one of the same person a week. It kinda be like a final fantasy 7 rpg. you fight win and gain points, fight lose, lose points.
also a table could be made for public records of who fought who and who won. fights are aranged by "challenging" another user and if the other accepts then a fight goes down. if the person denies it, then the denying person lose points and there "rating" goes down.
along with another catergory saying "fights denied" and the # of fights this person denied.
Titles can be awarded to users who are "undefeated" or are a "coward" or even "sore loser".
Basically, the longer you been at the forums, more posts, more posts in CERTAIN forum's, more and less views of certain forums and other "options" (which can be created thru adminCP) will allow the user to win more fights. if a user is hardly active, brand new, never has faught, never posts, then he is gonna get his ass kicked by ppl."
More options in later versions could even allow "multiple" user fights, weapons, powerups, etc....
I'd really appreciate some feedback and someone to possibly make this. I would be most grateful to you.


05-28-2003, 09:41 AM