View Full Version : staf can opt to not bump thread

Keyser S?ze
05-18-2003, 10:58 PM
ohhh this is a good one, how many times have u had a thread u know is lame, and u want to close it before anyone replies and bumps it to the top

how about a hack that for admins/mods theres a check box to not bump the thread when u reply (cuz u got to reply with a "ok this thread sucks closed" or something similar

would be cool

05-19-2003, 07:13 PM
as real "bumping" doesn't exists it won't be that easy.
threads are orderd by last post and if you have a new post the lastpost is newer than other threads, so it shows up in the list.

you have to disable update thread then, but whenever you use update counters or update thread in another way it would be useless again.