View Full Version : list members by state????

05-18-2003, 06:38 PM
I'm wondering if anyone knows how they did this http://www.dodgetalk.com/forums/memberstates.php

It looks like a custom written script apart from vbulletin that just calls the info from the database, but it is a VERY nice hack for any board in my opinion. Is there anyone that would like to give this a shot? I have limited php experience, but I might be giving it a go if anyone else is interested.,

Gary King
05-19-2003, 08:38 PM
Do you have a screenshot of what you see when you click on a state?

It's a members-only area.

05-19-2003, 10:46 PM
Well from digging around on their site here is what I have come up with. They added a custom field to the registration that has a drop down with all of the states and such. They then simply use the normal profile search built into vbulletin when you click on a state. It should be pretty easy to make a script like this I owuld think. I'm working on it at least.

Gary King
05-19-2003, 11:10 PM
If you are working on it, then are you still requesting for it?