05-17-2003, 09:01 PM
Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /www/vbulletin.org/htdocs/forum/global.php on line 367
I've gotten that error twice now today - Once on the redirect screen after I posted, and again when I was viewing a forum. It's gone away both times after I refreshed, but I just figured I'd let someone know. It was also showing some HTML code the 2nd time I saw it... I took a screen shot so someone else could see what I'm talking about. :)
I've gotten that error twice now today - Once on the redirect screen after I posted, and again when I was viewing a forum. It's gone away both times after I refreshed, but I just figured I'd let someone know. It was also showing some HTML code the 2nd time I saw it... I took a screen shot so someone else could see what I'm talking about. :)