View Full Version : Has to be certain age to have certain privlages.

Red Blaze
05-08-2003, 02:35 AM
I couldn't find anything related to what I wanted so I'm asking for help. You see, you can't be too safe. ^^;

What I wanted to make was a hentai forum for hentai people, however, it is going to be a private forum so no minors could get in. I want only people ages 18+ to be able to see and enter it. In other words, a privaleg. I assume that the calender will have to take a major role in this hack that I want.

Ok, here's an example of what I want.

You make a new forum, and it asks, if you wanted it to be a private forum. Well, I wanted to add an option that says

"Recommended for ages 18+?" "yes/no" An according to the calander it calculates if he/she is 18 or older, or younger. If the user did not add a date to his/her b-day, then the forum wouldn't appear at all. If he/she is 18+, then that forum would appear. Know what I mean? Or is it a tad confusing? ^^; Well, can someone help me with this type of hack? I would really appreciate it.

05-09-2003, 07:25 PM
^^; wouldn't people just lie about their age if they really wanted to get in and found out about it?

05-09-2003, 09:33 PM
Moreover there is the problem of people being able to change their age, with it being a custom profile field and all...


Red Blaze
05-11-2003, 01:08 AM
well, being a hidden forum for those that are guests and under age, no one would really know of the place. I just wanted some help to make this for my board. :(

05-20-2003, 05:59 PM
Yeah, I'm looking for a simliar hack.