View Full Version : Menu on top of forum where...

05-03-2003, 09:44 AM
I couldn?t find this anywhere, so I don?t think it is existence.

What I am looking for is a top menu, where you got your forum's main categories, and subcategories.

If we take a look at this forum, we got 4 main categories:
vBulletin.org <<<< Main Cat
Announcements <<< Sub cat
Site Feedback
Code Hacks
Graphics and Templates
And each of those got subcategories, now what i want is a menu like this.
Where you get each category sorted, with their respective subcategories attacked.

But my problem is, I have no clue about how to do this, I only have a basic knowledge of PhP :(

Is there anyone that could help me out there, and I believe there is other chat also could use this! :) Please.


05-15-2003, 06:21 PM
No one that can help ?

Dean C
05-16-2003, 05:46 AM
I didn't understand what you meant :)

- miSt

05-16-2003, 01:23 PM
How can I describe this better :D

Every board, has main categories, and the most of the main category has some subcategories, what I want is a menu that is listening every category, with their respective subcategory.
Much like "Forum Jump:" that is on the bottom of this site, but I want them to be in a menu structure, like in the link I posted earlier.

Sorry for my bad explanations :D