View Full Version : Two Quick Questions

05-01-2003, 08:32 PM
I am working on a hack that I want to be displayed in the postbit. Its basically very, very, simple, but it's my first hack and I thought I would make it since it will clean up the clutter on my postbit.

That being said, here are my questions;

1. First off, I want to know what file I would edit to make a function (yeah, sounds like functions.php already, but I am not sure what I need) that I could stick in my postbit. For example, my hack is going to be like a Backpack, where a user's Medals, Items, etc will show up, and I want to basically put in my postbit $backpack that will basically display the image of a backpack and when clicked it will open a small popup window (that will be added as a template) with all the variables for awards, items, etc inside of it. For this I would just need a general format of how I would go about making a function, and I could make it myself from there.

2. I would like to know where I would put the actual HTML code the function would use to open a, for example, 200 by 200 window. If there is a way to just define the link properties in the function I would appreciate that info.

Thanks! :)

05-04-2003, 01:18 PM
Try using showthread.php.
Maybe a template for your HTML.
Lookup post[varname] for passing your code and such to the postbits template. Placement of the info you want displayed in postbits will vary accroding to the style you run.

Hope that helps.

05-04-2003, 02:00 PM
To display something in the postbit, you've to modify the admin/functions.php ;)

For you popup window, to display in the postbit, look at my hack "Extra field in member's profile", I think it does the same thing that you want ;)

05-04-2003, 04:23 PM
Alright thanks for the replies, I will mess around with some code, break some forums, and see what happens :bandit: