View Full Version : IMG hack

12-04-2000, 11:55 PM
I remember viewing a hack on this forum where people could uploads pictures onto the server, and from there they could use that image foir their post or whatever.. Where is the hack?

12-05-2000, 12:15 AM
yeah....this would be good
if there was away to have an image (maximum width of 150)
right under the post count
not like the avatar or anything
but and image input field in the profile
where you'd just enter the URL

something simlilar to the Location & Interests hack

12-05-2000, 12:37 AM
There is an image gallery hack, which I think does what you are asking for.


12-05-2000, 10:20 PM
know the url of the hack?

12-06-2000, 02:44 AM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=3506" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...?threadid=3506</a>