View Full Version : vbHome (lite) woes.

04-30-2003, 08:21 PM
Grr.. I installed VBhome(lite) and it works great, but I can't get the templates to line up right... No matter how hard I try. It's been a week, now...

Basically, could someone who's really good at this stuff make a layout for me with

everything except article, links, and poll on the left in a 150px wide bar, article centered in the middle, and links above the poll on the right, also in a 150 px bar...? Please? I tried, and mine looks really messed up...

Thanx in advance.

EDIT: I've got the tables lined up, but at the expense of all the formatting, if you visit my vbhome page (pgsforum.com) you can see the links and poll bar are outlined in black, and have bold titles, but on the left, none of the tables are outlined, and there are no bold titles... where there is bold, it's sporadic.....