View Full Version : Adding into the master set...

drives fast
04-30-2003, 03:12 PM
I know what I am asking refers to templates but this is something I am working on and need help finishing so I posted here.

what I am doing is this......

I am working on the upgrade of my site to v2.3.0 and I decided to get it real clean and modify many of my hacks and put their new templates into the master set instead of having to look at the 60+ custom templates. This way they will all have their own little expandable category in the templates list.

I have no problem with the addition of templates into the master set when they are prefixed different than the standard templates by using an installer php script and making the necessary change to the template.php script but when I try to add some that prefix the same as existing ,standard templates, it doesn't work.

For example:
the "PM folder" hack adds three templates called who "priv_showfolders_folderbit_add, priv_showfolders_folderbit_hack, priv_showfolders_folderbit_hidden"

I would like to add them into the "Private Messaging Templates" category since they are prefixed the same but the funniest thing happens.....what I tried was adding the new ones into the master style file and then re-uploading it but for every new template I add that way....it pushes out the last one in the line and makes a mess (thank god for test forums) and I lost the last three original standard templates in the process.

my question is.....how do I add templates to the master set in existing, standard categories without it losing templates and messing up the order?

I tried to explain this as clear as possible....thank you in advance for your help

04-30-2003, 07:58 PM
enable the debugmode of your forum and add them via ACP

drives fast
05-01-2003, 04:45 AM

thank you buddy....I definately have the power now and all is well. I never thought of searching for that.

05-01-2003, 09:18 AM
you're welcome

vb has deep powers when you know where to search ;)