View Full Version : DeviantArt Inspired :)

04-29-2003, 10:16 PM
:p inspired by deviant art member profile


Demo Account :

username : candycgiz
pass : candycgiz

Latest Gallery Entry, Latest Favorite, Latest Journal Entry, Latest Comments Entries and some extra :p

suggestions welcome :)

04-29-2003, 10:50 PM
really nice looking.....

04-29-2003, 11:05 PM
Very complex, though. Also remember that generating an avatar always uses at least one query per avatar.

04-29-2003, 11:10 PM
Looks alright. I agree about the complexity, though.

04-29-2003, 11:10 PM
hmm i use <img src instead using dynamically for avatar does that makes any difference?

04-29-2003, 11:24 PM
As long as you use avatar.php, you'll get a query.

04-30-2003, 01:58 AM
filburt1 is right - even though it doesn't show up in microstats, a query is done for each time img src accesses the avatar.php file.

04-30-2003, 02:14 AM
so it's the same as showing posts in showthreads, any way to optimize it?

04-30-2003, 02:31 AM
There's nothing you can do other than making avatars flat files.

04-30-2003, 10:57 AM
how'd you do that! I want that customization!

04-30-2003, 05:34 PM
The site looks great, but like everyone else said, watch your query usage. Try to find some way to reduce them... Good job!

04-30-2003, 05:53 PM
:) As I said before, nice work ewdi!

I'm recoding the generation of thumbnails/med/full, also started coding news script... :)

04-30-2003, 06:28 PM
yeah i'm still making thumbnail reindexing and regeneration
, hopefully done soon for the admin in vb panel

Tony G
05-01-2003, 11:24 AM
Lots of extra features, may find it harder to find what you're looking for in a profile.

But looks nice.

05-01-2003, 07:13 PM
Page generated in 0.2923450 seconds (26.34% PHP - 73.66% MySQL) with 17 queries.

Hmm how did you manage to get your forum home down to 17 queries with all the extras you include?

I also notice that despite your low query count, your total page generation time is quite high.

/ side-note: it is something I also noticed with the forum optimization hack. I was able to cut down queries by 3 or so, but the total page generation time actually increased. Seems to me as if the new query that replaced the old ones takes more processing time.

05-01-2003, 07:15 PM
i took out those stats i dont need, as for loading time, sometimes i do cron backup which makes server load a bit higher (i backup every 1 hours by cron for DB)

12-05-2007, 08:01 AM
Dude I thought I was going to see a VBulletin gallery that worked like DeviantArt which is what I've been wanting for a VERY long time.

Marco van Herwaarden
12-05-2007, 08:26 AM
I doubt you will get a response on a 4 year old thread.

12-05-2007, 10:40 AM