View Full Version : Moderator Supervisors

04-29-2003, 08:14 PM
I run a registered vBulletin at http://www.DungeonKeepersDomain.com. I have over 600 users and about 60 forums. This also means that I have alot of different moderators. I have had the need to add a team or Super-Moderators that police the site and handle things that moderators cannot. I call them the Peace Keepers. For example, I do not allow moderators to move threads from one forum to another, but I allow PKs to do this.

What I would like to see is a way to assign a PK to a forum like I do a Moderator. In the ACP and the same way I assign a moderator, I would like to be able to assign a PK. This is probalby for show only, but when you goto the forum, at the top it lists who the moderator is. I would like it to also list who the PK is.

In addition, if it is possible, maybe this hack would make the user a PK only in the forums I assign them and a "Registered User" everywhere else.

This way, I have Registered Users, and above them, Moderators, and above them, Peace Keepers, and above them, Assistant Admins, Admins, etc.

05-01-2003, 08:52 PM
Any ideas here?

05-04-2003, 08:44 PM
I guess not

05-05-2003, 01:43 AM
hmm.. you could try setting up user groups, and setting
permissions for their group to allow them to move threads on that forum.
PK group 1, pk group 2, etc.

Arrange your forums into groups using Catagoires, and set your pker's as mods for each catagory, or list them in that catagories description

General chat:
Use these forums to talkabout just about everything. LEad by <pk1>, <pk2>

You should be able to link to the pk's profiles using html, so that it will work jsut like the links to the regular mods.

Very low tech, but functional.

05-05-2003, 12:33 PM
That is kinda how I have it setup right now. However, it is a pain in the butt. I was hoping somebody might write a hack to allow me to assign a PK to a forum through the ACP and have that PK listed alongside of the moderator. This would make things much easier as PKs on my sight change often and I do not want to be slaved to the low-tech way of doing things because it just takes too much time.

06-10-2003, 02:49 PM
Does anybody have any ideas on a hack for this?

07-15-2003, 02:18 PM
All I want is a field in the ACP for each forum that allows me to assign a supervisor over the moderator and have that supervisors name appear at the to of the forum.