View Full Version : multiple attachments plus

04-27-2003, 09:09 PM
I am currently working on this as no one has released it but I am a newbie at php and might need some help here is what I am doing

working on attaching all files in a dir with seperate post
attach 5 files in one post

I will be needing help on this

04-28-2003, 10:38 AM
Why do you bother anyway? Multiattachments are already included in vb3 and it will be up anytime.

Besides MA hack is really very advanced hack. It is not as simple as adding a new field to attachment table to save postid. You have to deal with a lot of template and file modifications as well as many vb parts like post moderation, update counter etc.

The issue has been discussed many times in this forum so if you are still determined to work on the hack you can just search it and you'll find many discussions regarding MA hack.. (including a vb dev comment mentioning that it is hard to implement the hack)

10-15-2003, 12:34 AM
Logician when I did it a couple of years ago I had 5 fields, I think all I did was changed the variable of the text fields for new thread, and new reply... (attachment bit), and then added more attachment variables to the postbit like $attach2 - 3 - and so on (whatever it goes by)

I cant figure it out anymore :(

I do know its possible to have one though, beacuse I used to allow 5 attachments, and it worked great... :-/ Any help from anyone? please? lol

10-15-2003, 09:41 AM
I don't know what exactly you are requesting here but if you are after multiattachment hack, either use VB3 (strongly suggested for this aim) or there is a hack in beta releases section that does it for VB2, check it out.