View Full Version : Adding Links to Postbit

04-27-2003, 05:14 PM
I'm not sure if I'm over looking code or if I have to add a query to my vb database.

I was wondering if someone could do a basic walk through for adding a new link to the button of the post bit.

example buttons in post bit.

profile pm www search buddy (buttons with url)

say I wanted to add a new button, gallery

$post[gallery] <-- what code so I need to do it get this to work? I've tried to make a template but it seems I'm missing something, I've look at the functions.php and index.php but I'm not sure if I'm over looking code.

I've looked over vbulletin.org but didn't see anything in relation to this, and I'm sure others that are new to hacking vbulletin would love info about this. So we can add custom links to the post bit.

thanks for any help in advance.

04-27-2003, 05:25 PM
Well, the easiest way, is to make a new template with your content in (ie postbit_gallery) then in functions.php


eval("\$post[buddy] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_buddy")."\";");

underneath add:

eval("\$post[gallery] = \"".gettemplate('postbit_gallery')."\";");

then find

$templatesused = 'postbit_search,postbit_buddy,postbit_useremail,ic q,aim,yahoo,postbit_homepage,postbit_profile,postb it_ip_show,postbit_ip_hidden,postbit,postbit_sendp m,postbit_avatar,postbit_offline,postbit_online,po stbit_editedby,postbit_signature,postbit_attachmen t,postbit_attachmentimage,showpost';

and simply add ,postbit_gallery after showpost:)

Then in your postbit template, add $post[gallery] anywhere you want;)

04-27-2003, 05:48 PM
couldnt of said it better :p

04-27-2003, 07:44 PM
Thank you for your fast reply,

<a href="member2.php?s=$session[sessionhash]
src="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/buddy.gif" border="0" alt="Add $userinfo[username] to your buddy

the above code is for the buddy system, with my gallery link or other link, how would I set it up so that if the user has a gallery link when they click the button it loads their own gallery if they have one, or have it work similar to profile.

example would I do something like this?

<a href="http://www.pixelfx.ca/gallery/index.php?s=$session
target="_blank"><img src="http://www.pixelfx.ca/forum/images/gallery4.gif" border="0"
alt="Click Here to See the gallery for $post[username]"></a>

I'm trying to see if I understand how this works ;) Thank you everyone for your support. This has been a great learning experience :)

example of site so far, www.pixelfx.ca/index.php ...


I think I have it but if you see any code for my template above that you think I should change please let me know :) Thanks