View Full Version : Banning Full or Partial Hostnames

04-24-2003, 04:19 AM
Is there a hack that can ban full or partial hostnames? If so, does anyone know the link? Nothing I searched would come up.

If not, anyone know how to make it?

(2.3.0 of course)

04-24-2003, 06:18 AM
Isn't this already available in the banning IP section in options?
I always thought you could use wildcarded addresses to ban.


Sam FT
05-27-2003, 06:44 PM
Nope, as far as I know the only two things you can ban are IP address and email address. I like the idea of banning someone hostname, because say the user that needs to be ban is using dialup will the ip address on dail up change often like once a month.

05-27-2003, 06:53 PM
It's a very bad idea to do this because every IP would have to be resolved. Unfortunately, on most servers, unresolvable IPs take a few seconds to time out. That's a few seconds longer for your HTML to be generated.

05-28-2003, 06:34 AM
Just find out what the IP is from the hostname if that's possible. It's not always possible, but sometimes it is.