View Full Version : UBB & vBulletin Hacks

12-04-2000, 06:50 AM
Sorry, I'm new to this site. Was looking for a UBB style forum with mySQL back-end and here it is! I was wondering will hacks for UBB work with vBulletin?

Are there as many hacks for vBulletin as for UBB? I really want the mySQL inegration, but I'm concerned about support. Seems like there's a lot of UBB support out there- how much support is there for vBulletin? And I'm not only talking about from the source, but community support. I have no idea what PHP is, but I know Perl fairly well. Thanks!

12-04-2000, 07:32 AM
this support forum is extremely helpful
vBulletin is superior to UBB in every way
vBulletin is fully customizable
and basically anything that's on a UBB board
can be integrated into vBulletin
with smoother results

just browse/search throughout these forums
i'm sure you'll find all the help you'll need

also check vBulletin.org


12-04-2000, 10:15 AM
UBB hacks won't work

(Perl != PHP)

But most hacks are intigrated, or have PHP counterparts. As for the community, it's growing, and there are lots of helpfull people around :)

12-04-2000, 01:22 PM
The community is growing stronger and stronger everyday. I'm still impressed everytime I come here.
