View Full Version : Last threads in external webpage

04-23-2003, 01:20 PM
I want to make a php file to include it in external forum webpage. This file will show the last X thread titles that will be published in the forums.

I've seen that in several webpages and perhaps this already exists but I haven't found anything about this.

Anybody can explain me how can I do this?


04-23-2003, 01:43 PM
Dont know of a way of doing it in HTML but it may be possible on a PHP file

04-23-2003, 01:58 PM
I suppose that it's possible with PHP but I don't know anything about PHP....

How can I do? Anybody knows?

04-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Check out the hack Pluhnews. You just create a normal HTML file, change the extension to php and include pluhnews.


04-23-2003, 09:02 PM
I've checked Pluhnews and this is just I need but it have a big problem: Only shows the last threads of only a forum, and I want the last threads of all forums of a certain board.

I would request the improvement in the hack forum, but the author does not develop it for a long time :(

If anybody do the hack I would be very thanked. :)

It is very strange that there are hacks to show the forum connected users on non-vB page, and however there is not hack to show forum last threads on non-vB page.


I'll do it if I would know PHP/mySQL. :(