View Full Version : request hack for change moderators permissions

12-03-2000, 08:36 PM

i want the moderator can Ban any user but he can't access to other control panel sections . ?

how can i do it ?

12-04-2000, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Romi

i want the moderator can Ban any user but he can't access to other control panel sections . ?

how can i do it ?

The only way I have found to do it, is to build a custom control panel for the moderators. This will be going online over the next weekend at SitePoint. Unfortunately I won't be able to give a demo of this due to the sensitive nature of the data.

12-04-2000, 03:20 PM
It wouldn't be that hard, it would just be a modified, stripped down version of the CP, with the permission checking set to allow moderators to enter new names.
