View Full Version : Table Width

04-20-2003, 07:46 AM
Good Evening Everyone,

I was wanting to know if there is any way within vB to limit the width of the table that gets created when replying to a thread? The reason being is that I have people who post pictures and some pictures will break the table width by one reply being really large in width and then the next one is back at the normal table width.

Any tips?

Dean C
04-20-2003, 10:52 AM
Please post template related questions in the correct forum in future ;)


And this cannot be fixed unfortunately :(

- miSt

04-20-2003, 10:58 AM
1. Sorry about that.
2. That's pretty weak.
3. Wonder if that's fixed in vB3.0 (if the damn thing ever gets released).

Tony G
04-20-2003, 01:39 PM
There was a thread on this at vBT.com too, I don't think it's possible even with vB3. (As I've seen threads with the whole thing being stretched out still, or I'm delousional)

04-20-2003, 03:16 PM
Actually I think it is possible; search vBT for a mod that makes signatures not exceed a certain size in pixels. It can probably be modified to work for this, although text won't wrap, it will just be cut off.