View Full Version : Upgrading help

04-20-2003, 06:21 AM
Ummm....I'm not sure to put this but I'm extremely lost...

I have 2.2.6 currently and well...i dont know what to do next to upgrade....do I run some sort of upgrade or something? im totally lost....and are there file edits included in upgrades? because my board is heavly hacked and I really dont want to install all like 100 of the hacks again....

/me is confused

thanks for you time, i hope i can get some help...

and if this is in the wrong forum ...i sowwie :knockedout:

04-20-2003, 06:39 AM
2 ways:

1) Normal upgrade

Advantage - fast and easy - takes 5 minutes
Disadvantage - you WILL LOSE ALL HACKS - and need to reinstall each one manually

Follow the instructions in the vB.com members area.

- Download the zip file
- Upload the files in the /upload directory to your forum directory
- Run the appropriate upgradexx.php file(s)
- Delete the upgradexx.php file(s)
- Finish!

2) Manual/ File Compare Upgrade

Advantage - Keep all your hacks - no need to reinstall manually
Disadvantage - Very slow - take up to 2 hours since you have to use a file compare program like Beyond Compare or Araxis Merge to compare unhacked and hacked PHP files side by side.

- Download the zip file
- Download, install and run the file compare program
- Compare each PHP file in 2 separate folders, one unhacked from the zip file, the other from your forums - only change the bits of code updated, carefully avoiding changing your hacked sections (this will be time consuming especially if you're new at doing this - I've done this many times, and it still takes me up to 45 minutes)
- Upload the changed files to your forum directory
- Run the appropriate upgradexx.php file(s)
- Delete the upgradexx.php file(s)
- Finish!

04-20-2003, 06:44 AM
thats sounds like a crap load...lol.....

boy i would be like the most thank ful person if anyone would ever wanna do this o_O...hehehe...thanks for your reply erwin, it is valued :D

which compare prog would you recommend?'

nvm using beyond compare