12-03-2000, 12:06 AM
Well I know that we should first wait to see what's gonna be on version 2, but if those features aren't I would love to see hacks for them, here they are:
Attachments (not like the image gallery hack, but one that you could upload more than one image, kinda like hte UBB one)
Name on closed threads (whenever you close a thread the mod name should appear at the top)
Keep a copy of the thread option (option to keep a copy of the thread and close it, be fore moving to another forum, also available for UBB)
Different cookie handling (make the bulbs go off only after you read a thread/forum)
Attachments (not like the image gallery hack, but one that you could upload more than one image, kinda like hte UBB one)
Name on closed threads (whenever you close a thread the mod name should appear at the top)
Keep a copy of the thread option (option to keep a copy of the thread and close it, be fore moving to another forum, also available for UBB)
Different cookie handling (make the bulbs go off only after you read a thread/forum)