View Full Version : VBL errors on home page...

04-10-2003, 10:05 PM
Im hoping you can help.. im getting very frustrated with this..
I have tried many different things, trawled through all relevant forums, yet i cannot find the solution to my problem..

im not very good with PHP, more along the lines of a n00b.. anyways.

my index.php file contains a couple things
title picture

php code for vbl index.php

footer info

I have created templates aswell, pulling in the relevant info. still nothing, so im posting with this basic easy to understand version

what happens is as follows
all the relevant info is retrieved from databse.. news forum, users online latest topics.. etc etc.. however

between top table and php code the follwoing error appears

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/.sites/90/site11/web/index.php:8) in /home/.sites/90/site11/web/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1652

ok, so i go off to functions.php so see what is is complaining about.
at that line is the following

} } else {
setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $secure);

now, why is it refering to header, when that lines suggests theres a cookie issue? :S

it makes sense that theres a cookie issue, cos if you got to the forums, then back to the home page.. that error is gone..

any ideas how i can fix? wish i could find some posts on it. :|

next issue:

theres a page error

on line 246 is the following.

$iuserperms = 'AND thread.postuserid IN( ' . $activepolluser . ' )';

I did search forums for this aswell, but nothing relating to what my problem is...

Have a look for yourself
index.php (http://www.clubvr4.co.uk/index.php)

forums (http://www.clubvr4.co.uk/forum/index.php)

hope you can help

04-10-2003, 10:42 PM
Re: the headers error, you can't echo anything in the PHP files reliably; instead rely completely on templates.

04-10-2003, 11:13 PM
when i did this i was getting weird problems, like evertime i refreshedpage.one of the pictures would not load, and everytime you refreshed a random picture would dissapear..
