04-09-2003, 01:26 PM
I've been browsing through the hacks database, but i can't find anything on this issue - i know for sure more people desire something like this.
i run an Electronic Music Community ( and am currently still running on ubb5.46 (shame on me). I am currently busy configuring VBulletin (already bought it).
The problem is:
I want to integrate the Calendar with the Party Announcements forum. The Party Announcements forum is used to inform members of upcoming parties around the globe.
My ideal situation would be:
- When someone is posting a party in the Party Announcements forum, the member has to fill in the usual stuff when posting a new thread, BUT one field extra, a date field..
- When a party is posted in the Party Announcements forum, an entry has to be made in the Calendar on the date stated while posting the topic. The subject of the forumtopic can work as the subject of the public event entry, and the body of the topic can work as the body of the public event...
- The entry in the Calender has to be linked with the topic in the Party Announcements forum..
another solution could be:
- The new post button in the Party Announcements forum is linked to the Add Public Event button
- The Add Public Event button does not only make an event entry in the calendar, but also makes a topic in the Party Announcements forum
- The info stated while posting the public event, can also be used for the topic in Party Announcements
- The event is linked to the topic in Party Announcements
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Is there anybody who can help me think of a solution to this problem? It might actually already exist, but i can't find anything on this anywhere...
Thanks a lot for you time,
[admin of]
I've been browsing through the hacks database, but i can't find anything on this issue - i know for sure more people desire something like this.
i run an Electronic Music Community ( and am currently still running on ubb5.46 (shame on me). I am currently busy configuring VBulletin (already bought it).
The problem is:
I want to integrate the Calendar with the Party Announcements forum. The Party Announcements forum is used to inform members of upcoming parties around the globe.
My ideal situation would be:
- When someone is posting a party in the Party Announcements forum, the member has to fill in the usual stuff when posting a new thread, BUT one field extra, a date field..
- When a party is posted in the Party Announcements forum, an entry has to be made in the Calendar on the date stated while posting the topic. The subject of the forumtopic can work as the subject of the public event entry, and the body of the topic can work as the body of the public event...
- The entry in the Calender has to be linked with the topic in the Party Announcements forum..
another solution could be:
- The new post button in the Party Announcements forum is linked to the Add Public Event button
- The Add Public Event button does not only make an event entry in the calendar, but also makes a topic in the Party Announcements forum
- The info stated while posting the public event, can also be used for the topic in Party Announcements
- The event is linked to the topic in Party Announcements
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Is there anybody who can help me think of a solution to this problem? It might actually already exist, but i can't find anything on this anywhere...
Thanks a lot for you time,
[admin of]