View Full Version : weird cookie problem

04-07-2003, 12:44 PM
I have experienced myself
and also another user of mine also brought it to my attention
That they simply cannot logout no matter how many times they press it
it just doesn't seem to clear the cookies
and Unless i manually clear all cookies from the browser using Ie properties
I can't logout and come in as another user
Its a problem at a household like mine where i have multiple users of my computer and of course the forum itself

anyway Please do test for me anyone


04-07-2003, 01:18 PM
Need a test account. I have a similar problem--some users can't log IN.

04-18-2003, 02:25 AM
i also have that problem, my users login and then when they click on anotherlink or do something else it tells em they have to log back in again, im not sure why, this never happened b4, maybe its my the new web redirection dns service that im using? if so how can i fix this so that my users dont have to keep loggin back in?

Arshes Nei
04-19-2003, 06:20 PM
I have this problem as well.

I use version 2.3.0 When I log in it tends to expire for an undeterminable amount of time and I have to relog back in. What makes it so bad is that the forum is active and marks all my posts as read so when I come back on I can't see new posts.

IT also likes to kick me out when I'm using the admin control panel and I'm looking at the forum at the same time so I can view changes.