View Full Version : Need help to finish this hack!!!!!! Please

04-06-2003, 02:26 AM
I am building a new banner hack to allow targeted sponsorship of nominated forums and files. :) Just like phpnewads but far less confusing and much easire to add a new sponsor / advertiser

When you add banners you can allicate it a forun no. or just add it to the bannerbank for random display.

If a forum is sponsored the approiate banner will be displayed with link at the top of the thread list and next to the forum title in forum display as well as at the top of EVERY page of EVERY thread.........THIS WORKS! :p

However if a forum is not sponsored then a random banner is to be selected from the bannerbank list....THIS IS NOT WORKING :ermm:

Original help request thread here.

Thanks in advance

PS I have decided to realease it once finished :smoke:

04-06-2003, 06:26 AM
this wont work either....

the first bit does work and diplays the template with $showad[???] inserted but the dosnt after } else { the template is displayed but the $anotherad[??????] are blank

any ideas

if ($showad[active]=='1') {
eval("\$showthisad .= \"".gettemplate("ads_forum_sponsor")."\";");

} else {
$anotherad=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE id='2'");
eval("\$showthisad .= \"".gettemplate("ads_bannerbank")."\";");