View Full Version : Report posts only to admins

04-04-2003, 08:56 PM
I had a post reported and noticed that it says:

This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators if there are no moderators.

How do I make it so it only reports to admins? I don't need all the moderators getting these...

I looked in report.php and it looks like I could just remove the moderator section but I want to make sure before I mess something up...

Thanks. :)

05-22-2003, 03:58 PM
So anyone know how to do this????

05-22-2003, 04:01 PM
If you mess up, just re-upload a backup. :)

05-22-2003, 04:02 PM
change this:
$moderators=$DB_site->query("SELECT DISTINCT user.email FROM moderator,user WHERE user.userid=moderator.userid AND moderator.forumid IN ($foruminfo[parentlist])");


if ($DB_site->num_rows($moderators)==0) {
// get admins if no mods
$moderators=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.email FROM user,usergroup WHERE user.usergroupid=usergroup.usergroupid AND (usergroup.cancontrolpanel=1 OR usergroup.ismoderator=1)");

into this:
$moderators=$DB_site->query("SELECT user.email FROM user,usergroup WHERE user.usergroupid=usergroup.usergroupid AND usergroup.cancontrolpanel=1");

05-23-2003, 07:24 AM
Thanks Xenon, and thanks for the moral support Filburt... lol

I actually did mess around with this a little but I am bad with modifying areas of code with a lot of queries in it.

Thanks. :)