View Full Version : background image question

04-02-2003, 05:04 AM
ok, i know how to make an image on the background, but, i want to have my image (a fading color/squares) align up the top of the page, and not to keep repeating...
an example of what im looking for is like yaxay, how the yaxay logo sits at the top of the page and just sits there, static in other words... how would this be acheived?

majin gotenks
04-02-2003, 10:07 AM
i think i know what you mean... so all you have to do is set the width, height to that of the background image. like this:

<td width="(image width)" height="(image height)">then whatever you want in here.....</td>

sorry about the bad explenation im just tired :(

04-03-2003, 08:28 AM
im now trying to figure out where to put this tho...
is it in the...errr its not in any php files i think, so where?