View Full Version : limit number of guests, connections by IP address

03-27-2003, 09:11 PM
I'm in desperate need of a hack that will:

limit the number of guests that can be on the forum at one time.

limit the number of connections the same IP address can have at one time.

I've found some flood control scripts that do this on some pages, but nothing that will work on every page of the forum. If I overlooked something I'd be greatful if somebody can point me in the right directions.

We have had flood attacks the past week. Our forum is a private forum, and guests have no rights. Registration was turned off, but they still found a way to query the register.php script over and over again. We renamed the registration page and they moved to the loss password form. We have since then got rid of the lost password form.

All was coming from the same IP address, and they had over 1300 guest sessions at the same time.

Banning the IP address isn't an option, they will just change the IP and start the attack over again.

We have had no attacks since we got rid of the password form and the registration page, but we would like to be able to use both of those features in the future.

Can anybody help me?


03-27-2003, 09:12 PM
I'm VERY sorry. I thought I had posted this in the hack request forum. Can a mod please move it for me?


03-27-2003, 09:34 PM
Neo put a hack out called checkip that checks the IP address at registration and will not allow more than one registration per IP address. Is that like what you are looking for?

03-27-2003, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the reply Boofo.

That may fix *some* of my problem.

This flooder that hit my site had 1300 guest sessions, all trying to register or use the 'lost password' form. All from the same IP address.

This is a small private site. We have 65 members and will probably never have more than 100. There is never more than 20 members on the site at any given time.

What I need is something that will not allow 1300 connections from the same IP address, no matter what page it is viewing. :) That is just rediculous.

Or something that will display an error message at the login screen if there are more than 'X' number of guests online.

A combination of both is a plus :)