View Full Version : i really need help

03-23-2003, 04:29 PM
hi every1...im completely new to installing hacks and i have no idea what to do. so im kind of goin off on a limb and asking if someone could install three hacks for me! thats all im asking is just three hacks!

welcome panel, quick reply, and the hack that disables lower administrators to not have the ability to de-admin you.

thanks :nervous:

Mr. Brian
03-23-2003, 05:22 PM
Well, I don't mind by helping as it's alright for me. But somehow don't you think that you are asking abit too much? > Expect for 3 hacks > doing it all for free <

BTW, I can't give you any guarantee as how long do I need to take in order to get these 3hacks installed.

Try drop me a Pm.