View Full Version : a few question !

03-22-2003, 10:27 AM
well is there any converter from phpbb 2.4 to vbulletin 2.2.9?

do i get a proper support if i request hacks ?

is point system , member colour modification aviliable and mass email private messenge viewer , ?

is there free templates aviliable ?

do i get upgrades for future versions ?

Cheerz :banana:

03-22-2003, 11:05 AM
there is a converter for phpbb2, i don't know if it works with 2.4 but i think so.

if you request hacks for free the support depends on the author, if you request paid hacks, you can say which type of support you want...

yes, those hacks exists


yes, for one year, then you have to pay 30$/year to get further upgrades

03-22-2003, 11:18 AM
can i install vbulletin in one website for 2 times ? install in 2 difrrent folder to have 2 forums under one domine

03-22-2003, 11:23 AM
nope, you are just allowed to run one instance of vb with one license.

the only excweption is a test board in a special called folder, which is notaccessable by public.