View Full Version : [DECLINED (until vb3)] Forum subscription emails

03-21-2003, 08:04 PM
Would you admins mind installing this?


I'd love to get an email when certain forums get a new thread. Thanks~

03-21-2003, 08:09 PM
I believe they don't want to hack except when necessary due to 3.0.0 looming (far, far away)

03-21-2003, 08:10 PM
Sorry, we won't install any new hacks on this board to prepare the upgrade to vb3 (we are even removing some of the hacks already)

i don't know if this is already built in vb3 but if not we can install a similiar hack after vb3 is installed here :)

Tony G
03-22-2003, 04:49 AM
Although, I think it would make a nice addition once we're on vB3. :) (If it's not built in already)