View Full Version : Extra VBCode Button

03-20-2003, 10:00 PM
This hack is based on SWF vBCode Button by Brad Dixon.
You can find his hack here (http://www.vbulletin.org/hacks/index.php?s=&action=showhack&hackid=435).
I find it very useful and decide to release this one.
It should work for all VB 2.2.x and 2.3.0
I think it's very helpful especially for any board which is about music.


- Embed video clip into your message
- Embed audio file into your message
- Insert Marquee text

Recommend: SWF vBCode Button by Brad Dixon

I have just switched from IPB to VBB so maybe there's some minor mistakes. I tested it on my board and it works perfectly.
Hope you enjoy it and...remember to click Install! ;)

03-21-2003, 01:27 AM
screenshot for video clip

03-21-2003, 01:27 AM
screenshot for audio

03-21-2003, 01:33 AM
Beware that if this allows you to include anything encoded with Windows Media then you can run scripts.

03-21-2003, 01:41 AM
same with flash really

anyway final fantasy 8 owns ;D

03-21-2003, 09:23 AM
Nice one Kevinnguyen :).

03-21-2003, 09:36 AM
very nice idea :p

05-11-2003, 03:07 PM
mine wont play the video file :S ne ideas why/? the files a wmv extension

05-16-2003, 05:40 AM
vB Code tag: Video

vB Code replacement: <embed src="{param}" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" ONSOLE="Clip1"CONTROLS="ImageWindow,ControlPanel,StatusBar" HEIGHT="230" WIDTH="240"AUTOSTART="false"></embed>

try to replace realaudio-plugin w/ windowsmedia-plugin

05-17-2003, 07:44 AM
It's good, but dangerous.

11-24-2003, 01:46 PM
Hmmmmm, I installed this on my board, the embedding works great, and runs fine, but the 3 buttons added at the bottom don't display the Img_text in the box below, and the Audio, and Video buttons don't pop up the box, yet the Move button does. I went over the instructions 4 times, and even redid my work....same results. Any ideas?