View Full Version : Invisible Threads

03-19-2003, 04:45 AM
After using Nebula's phpBB2 Importer, I noticed that a few posts were missing. I looked at the General Chaos forum statistics, which is suppose to have 11612 posts and 853 threads. After opening it, there are only 76 threads. I know the other threads exist, because I was able to open them from the admin panel. Right before I was going to make a mass move, I clicked on a link to a thread that was not listed in the general chaos forum, and it loaded successfully. So basically, the threads and posts exists. The links to them just don't show up from inside of the forum. Are there any fixes for this?

03-19-2003, 09:48 AM
go to the mod cp and click on moderate new posts :)

are the threads and posts listed there?
if yes, just click on submit at the bottom and it should work

03-19-2003, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. :( Any other ideas?