View Full Version : Search and Replace

03-18-2003, 12:52 PM
Hey guys,

just asked the following at vbulletintemplates:

got a quick ques, I'm new to this whole skinning system and i was wondering, the search option in the template area of the admin cp, how do i specify what template set i want to search and replace strings for? Cause there's no option and I have 3 template sets, and when i do do a search and replace it takes the wrong one. I need to do it like this cause the thing i need to replace is there in lotsa template files and would take ages to replace.....anyone got any ideas?

The response i got was that this would have to be done with a hack. I've spent some time searching thru the hacks here and cant find anything appropriate for this....so I was wondering if someone could either show me if one does exist that slipped my attention......or whether it would be possible for such a hack to be made......thnx in advance

The Wolverine:D

03-18-2003, 09:27 PM
There is already a global search and replace function. It works - I've used it.

03-19-2003, 07:39 AM
oh mind showing where and how? If it's the one in the admin cp then it doesn't work, cause u can't specify which template set u want it to search thru......hopefully u can show me something i've missed out :)


The Wolverine:D

04-28-2003, 10:27 PM
I would be interested in this also. Search And Replace goes through ALL template sets... I am looking to s&r through just a single set.