03-16-2003, 10:00 PM
Extra Memberlist Options
- By N9ne
- March 17th 2003
- Copyright 2003+
What does this hack do?
- Adds 4 options to memberlist settings, in adminCP.
- Display Avatar // Usertitle // Userid // Styleset
- Colspan must be specified, even if no options are used.
- Colspan is of the header cell of the main memberlist table.
- Colspan is asked of you in the adminCP because of the dynamic
content, ie. you choose what goes on the memberlist, therefore
colspan is set to change.
- Styleset name is a link, clicking on the link will reload the page, under
the new style set [dependent on the link you click].
- This is a new, easier to manage way, of having a much better, more
informative memberlist!
What is required of the hacker, to install the hack?
- Add 8 Templates [FireFly's Template Backup System will make this quick]
- Make some file modifications to memberlist.php
- Modify your memberlist and memberlist_bit Templates.
- Run 5 queries [these queries will add the options to your main options page in AdminCP]
- And that's all!
1.01: Fix in memberlist template.
== Please click install ==
== 2 Screenshots, Instructions (install .php file to be opened in a text editor to view instructions), templates - all found in .zip file ==
Please click install if you use it!!!
- By N9ne
- March 17th 2003
- Copyright 2003+
What does this hack do?
- Adds 4 options to memberlist settings, in adminCP.
- Display Avatar // Usertitle // Userid // Styleset
- Colspan must be specified, even if no options are used.
- Colspan is of the header cell of the main memberlist table.
- Colspan is asked of you in the adminCP because of the dynamic
content, ie. you choose what goes on the memberlist, therefore
colspan is set to change.
- Styleset name is a link, clicking on the link will reload the page, under
the new style set [dependent on the link you click].
- This is a new, easier to manage way, of having a much better, more
informative memberlist!
What is required of the hacker, to install the hack?
- Add 8 Templates [FireFly's Template Backup System will make this quick]
- Make some file modifications to memberlist.php
- Modify your memberlist and memberlist_bit Templates.
- Run 5 queries [these queries will add the options to your main options page in AdminCP]
- And that's all!
1.01: Fix in memberlist template.
== Please click install ==
== 2 Screenshots, Instructions (install .php file to be opened in a text editor to view instructions), templates - all found in .zip file ==
Please click install if you use it!!!