View Full Version : If/elseif based on checkbox on/off in profile

03-15-2003, 08:17 PM
I have looked around here a lot and have found some things regarding this, but how would I add a checkbox based options panel in users profile? I want to have checkboxes selectable, and for each box selected, an image will be dispayed in the users profile.

I know so far that:

I can do a If $ profileimage1==1 {$ profileimage1="<img src=\"{ imagesfolder}/etc\">";} else {$ profileimage1="";}
I then know to put $ profileimage1 (without the space obviously) in the getinfo template... and as many of these (numbered accordingly) as I need
Then I know how to make the checkbox HTML for the modifyprofile and register templates

All I need to know is where should I store this information and how would I send it there when it was saved? I also want to know how to make it appear checked or unchecked based on how the user last saved it when saving their profile.

Any suggestions? :)

03-17-2003, 08:31 PM

nevermind. I got it. ;)