View Full Version : email to more than one person per user account

03-13-2003, 08:14 PM
okay this is what i have to do. I need every user to have 2 email addresses. How do i do this? Each user will get 2 emails

I've got this board with admin directors (AD's) but the secretary mainly gets the emails but the AD's need to get email to...

or how do I get the parent emial address box to send the emial for private messeges only???

Maybe there is a way to attach a user to another user so they both get emails but one relies on the other...

sorry too many possibilities... SOMEONE HELP!!!


mr e
03-13-2003, 09:23 PM
you could create another profile field and tell users to put their 2nd email in it

03-14-2003, 12:42 PM
okay would i do that in the database or do I just do that in the template/php page?

how would I just be able to set the parent in the profile area to act as an additional email address?
