View Full Version : Altering mod_auth_sql w. MD5

03-12-2003, 01:55 PM
I'm trying to use mod_auth_mysql to access the username/passwords in vBulletin's database with authentication ON.

As I understand it, mod_auth_mysql can use encryption, but it is not the same type as that used by vBulletin. (MD5)

I found an OLD mod_auth_mysql that has added MD5. Apparently it's so old that it doesn't compile well with the newer version of Apache I have running on my server...

Does anyone know of a newer mod_auth_mysql with MD5 capability? Would it be that hard to code?

The OLD patch I found is here: http://www.nic.uklinux.net/?location=src

I know I could use no encryption, though I would really like to avoid this...

03-12-2003, 03:39 PM
you really don't need to use mysql_auth

this seems to be what you are looking for.
see if this helps, if not i can help further.


03-12-2003, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I just got that hack installed, thanks. I'm trying to protect everything, so I included


at the top of three global.php files (at the www level, in the admin folder, and in the mod folder)

Am I missing any "globals" or are there just three?

Also, would you know how to logout a user and prompt them to re-enter their login info if they were inactive for a period of of time?
