View Full Version : Input on this style

03-07-2003, 04:44 PM
<a href="http://sanguinox.com/forums/index.php?&styleid=5" target="_blank">http://sanguinox.com/forums/index.php?&styleid=5</a>

A friend of mine and I was workin on it and stoped.

Thought I toss it up and get some input. The broken images is cuase got lazy.

I am not sure if I would finish it but ... who knows.

03-07-2003, 05:41 PM

Too dark/non appealing for my liking, but it's alright.

If I"m correct, that's times new roman font up top(the links, home, etc)? I'd change it. heh :)

03-07-2003, 06:21 PM
I have no clue if I will even finish it.

A friend of mine started the graphix and I was hacking it all in.

Tony G
03-08-2003, 09:56 AM
It's not bad, the grey tables are a major put-off though. Some of the images fit in nicely though.