View Full Version : Restrict Addition And Deletion Of Style, Replacement And Template Sets By Userid

03-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Restrict Deletion and Addition of (by userid):
Template Sets, Style Sets, Replacement Sets.
A hack by N9ne, copyright 2003+.
Created on March 7th 2003.
Files to modify:
Level of hacking: Easy.
Time taken: 2 - 3 minutes.

03-07-2003, 03:52 PM
Great hack:D Will be using this for sure

03-07-2003, 10:43 PM
wow, i've been searching for something like this! thx will install l8r

01-17-2004, 04:38 PM
Can this be ported over to 2.x? I run 2.2.9 and wont upgrade to vb3 for awhile, is there a way a 2.x version can be made? Or COULD this version work with 2.x?

This would be killer for 2.x JUST waht im looking for, for my Vbulletin forum.

N9NE.. you think you could make it work? Or incorporate the Restriction of EDITING as well?

Like only allowing certain USER IDS to edit STYLES and TEMPLATE sets

Dean C
01-17-2004, 05:02 PM
This'll work on 2.2.9 I suspect :)

01-18-2004, 03:15 PM
I cant seem to find the right parts to edit in 2.2.9

ALso, how would you set it up so the editing of styles sets and template sets are restricted by ID? I cant seem to tie in vb3 and 2.x as of now. Anyone care to give me a hand? :) :)

02-07-2004, 02:47 AM
BUMP: Is there a VB3 version of this yet?