View Full Version : update the forum/postcounter

03-07-2003, 10:49 AM

it's wrong board plz move to the right THX.

I use the follow function to post in my forum, but the problem is, that the counter not be updated. I cant understand whyy...please helpt (posting is ok, but reply is wrong) based on a post on this board :-)

function replytoallsearchtext($subject,$message,$searchstri ng,$searchfield="pagetext", $tbl="post",$iconid="1",$signature="1",$postusername="::uploadbot::",$userid="4108")
global $conn;
global $dbpass;
global $dbserver;
global $dbase;

// dearch post to be answer
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $searchfield, threadid FROM $tbl where $searchfield like '%$searchstring%' group by threadid";
echo $sql." <br>";
$vb_searchresult = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
echo "<br>Found Count: ".mysql_num_rows($vb_searchresult);
while ( $listlinked=mysql_fetch_array($vb_searchresult))
/* Insert values into the POST table */
$sql = "INSERT INTO post (postid,threadid,title,username,userid,dateline,at tachmentid,pagetext,allowsmilie,showsignature,ipad dress,iconid,visible) VALUES (NULL,'$listlinked[threadid]','".addslashes($subject)."','".addslashes($postusername)."','$userid','".time()."','$attachmentid','".addslashes($message)."','$allowsmilie','$signature','$ipaddress','$iconi d','1')";
echo "<br> Posten der Nachricht ";
$vb_result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
$postid = mysql_insert_id();
echo "<br>PostID:".$postid;
//get forumid

$sql="select thread.threadid, thread.forumid from thread where thread.threadid=$listlinked[threadid];";
echo "<br> Forumid holen...";
$forumsearchresult = mysql_query($sql,$conn);

while ( $forumsearch_ID=mysql_fetch_array($forumsearchresu lt))
//Update threadcount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM forum WHERE forumid='$forumsearch_ID[forumid]'";
$forum_query = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<br> get forum for update counter ";
$forum_row = mysql_fetch_Array($forum_query);
$sql = "UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,threadcount=threadcount+1, lastpost='".time()."',lastposter='".addslashes($postusername)."' WHERE forumid IN ($forum_row[parentlist])";
echo "<br> Update Counter: ";
$vb_result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
